This page sets out how we handle personal data collected via this website. 

Personal information we collect and use about you

In this webpage, [], the Bank of England (‘we’ or the ‘Bank’) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) collects personal data about you. 

This information includes name and contact details. The Bank and FCA will also collect views, opinions, and further personal data where this is shared in writing by individuals (i.e. via the message section of the contact form or via email). 

Why we need your personal data

We collect your personal data to be able to contact you regarding your query submitted on the website. 

What we do with your personal data

We use your information to process your query and send you information in response to your query via email.

Our lawful basis for processing this data is under Article 6 (e) of the UK GDPR, which is defined as processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. 

Who do we share your personal data with

We will not share your personal data with any other external organisation and your personal data will be kept only by the Bank and FCA. We will not share your information for marketing purposes. 

We only process your personal data in the United Kingdom/European Economic Area (EEA).

How we store your personal data

We will keep your personal data for 5 years after which it will be securely disposed. 

Your privacy rights

You have a number of rights under data protection laws.  For example, you have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal data the Bank holds about you.  This is known as a ‘Subject Access Request’.  You can ask us to change how we process or deal with your personal data, and you may also have the right in some circumstances to have your personal data amended or request that we no longer use your personal data and have it deleted. 

More information

To contact us about your privacy rights, to find out more about how the Bank protects the privacy of the individuals whose data we process and to contact the Bank’s Data Protection Officer, please see our website Privacy and the Bank of England.

Further information about how the FCA processes personal data is set out in the FCA’s Privacy Notice.